Top most common questions asked in every interview? | interview questions and answers for freshers?

1. Tell Me About Yourself  Sample Answer: My name is Trina, and I have done B.E…

Mechanical engineering >> Design of Machine Elements >> Design Considerations

Design for static and dynamic loading "Design for static and dynamic loadi…

Mechanical engineering >> Design of Machine Elements >> Materials and Their Properties

Mechanical properties of materials The study of mechanical properties of materi…

Mechanical engineering >> Design of Machine Elements >> Stress, Strain, and Deformation Analysis

Stress and strain concepts Stress and strain are fundamental concepts that are …

Mechanical engineering >> Design of Machine Elements >> Introduction to Machine Design

Definition and objectives of machine design Machine design is a crucial aspect …

Mechanical engineering >> last year >> Syllabus >> Subjects and Chapters

1. Design of Machine Elements 1. Introduction to Machine Design    - Definition…

Important measurements and calculations for Civil Engineering students

CONCRETE GRADE: M5 = 1:4:8 M10= 1:3:6 M15= 1:2:4 M20= 1:1.5:3 M25= 1:1:2 CLEAR …

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